
Churchview Fishery

Blackmore Road, Fryerning, Ingatestone, Essex CM4 0NW

The St Mary's complex is close to the village of Ingatestone. This complex is set in twenty five acres of private, peaceful, picturesque woodland. These two waters are very secure, incorporating CCTV within the Car Park, they also have toilet facilities.

Fish Details
The Syndicate water boasts Carp to 37lbs and a large head of over 40 different 20 s. Also there are catfish to 27 lbs. Day Ticket - Two acre water Approx 300 Carp topping 27lbs, with seven spacious swims. Seven sturgeon to 24 lbs. Four catfish to 38 lbs.

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Day ticket £10 =12 hours/ £15 = 24 hours, £100 books the lake for up to 7 people from Friday 12pm – Sunday night

Ian Hodgson 07932733008

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Day Tickets
Available for this water

Open all year

Night Fishing
Night Fishing allowed

Disabled Access
Some disabled access - please contact for details

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Accuracy of information
Please email nkw@go-fish.co.uk if you notice any mistakes. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information, but cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.