
Magic Lakes

Pick Hill, private road, Upshire, Essex EN9

Magic lakes consists of 2 lakes the main lake has 33 pegs average depth around 3-4 ft its classed as a snake lake ideal for match and pleasure fishing ,all swims are concrete and are comfortable to fish, the smaller lake has 16 pegs again concreted, plenty of parking on site, it’s open at 7am till dusk

Fish Details
Carp - dbl figure, Bream-7lb, Tench-7lb, Barbel-5lb, chub -1lb plus a good head of Roach, rudd, perch, Ghost Carp, Gold fish, Golden Tench, Golden orfe, Crucian Carp, Gudgeon. - The smaller lake has Tench, Fantails, Golden Tench, Silver Bream, Chub, Roach, Rudd, Carp – it’s stocked to a average of 70LBs for each swim

Most swims on the big lake have a platform opposite to fish to,the carp tend to hide under them, but fishing just off the ledge and the margins catch well,the smaller lake catch well on the far bank,and also down the middle. Pellets fish well as does Meat,Corn ,and Bread,also maggots for the Roach etc

£7 for one rod 2nd rod is another £3 concessions and children under 15. £6

Peter 0797-3814330

No Bolies, Nuts, and Floating baits (except Bread) No Keepnets except in Matches, Open matches are on Tuesday draw at 4 till 9 (summer time). Thursday draw 9am, fish10am till 4pm. Sunday draw 9am till 3;30 pm details either call Peter.

Day Tickets
Available for this water

Open all year

Disabled Access
Some disabled access - please contact for details

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