
Maybrand Fishery

Bournebridge Lane, Stapleford Abbots, Romford, Essex RM4 1LT

Four small lakes, with lots of tree cover on all banks. Self-catering chalets. Match bookings taken.

Fish Details
Carp to 30lb, Tench, Roach & Rudd, Bream.

Pellets works well for Carp during the daytime & luncheon meat at night. For Roach, Rudd and Bream use maggot & corn. For the Tench use meat as for the Carp. When fishing try to get a reed swim as all the Carp are there during the day!

Email - maybrand@aol.com

01708 688279

No boilies allowed!

Day Tickets
Available for this water

Disabled Access
Some disabled access - please contact for details

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Please email nkw@go-fish.co.uk if you notice any mistakes. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information, but cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.