
Noak Hill Fishery

Noak Hill Equestrian Centre, Noak Hill Road, Romford, Essex RM3 7LD

Small water in an equestrian centre, probably holds around 15 anglers maximum. Clay surrounded, so very muddy when wet. Gated entry, phone for access.

Fish Details
Carp to 30lb other species: Tench, Bream, Roach, Rudd & Perch

Halibut Pellett for the bigger carp but they have began to take boilies of all shapes and flavours. Usual freshwater tactics for the other species.

Day Ticket – one rod £8.50 Concessions- one rod (OAPS and juniors under 16) £7.50 Additional rods (each) £3.50 Night Ticket-two rods Maximum £12.00 Day & Night- two rods Maximum £23.00 Twilight (after 4.00pm summer, After 2.00pm winter) £6.00 Day Tickets 7.00pm-7.00am Night Tickets 7.00pm-7.00am. See website for up-to-date info.

Telephone: 01708 340723

All Anglers must have a valid ticket � Anglers must be in possession of a valid national rod-fishing licence � no fish are to be removed from the fishery � only barbless hooks are to be used � all anglers must use a suitable landing net and unhooking mat � No keep nets, except in formal pre-booked matches. When all keep nets must be knotless and be not less than 10 feet in length. All fish 3lb and over are to be returned to the water immediately (not put in a keep net) and no fish to remain in a keep net for more than 3 hours. A mid match weigh-in may be necessary. � Tackle not to be left unattended at the swim � Swims must be kept tidy at all times � All litter and unused bait to be removed from the premises � No tiger nuts, bloodworm or joker � Please respect all flora and fauna � No noise nuisance, radios, ECT. � No dogs No fires, no barbeques In the interest of all anglers, please report any breaking of the rules to an NHF bailiff. Random spot checks are carried out by NHF bailiffs. Any person found not abiding by the rules will be asked to leave and be banned from the fishery. NHF accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage to property. The rules and charges are subject to change without notice. SECURITY The entire premises are covered by CCTV cameras and regularly patrolled by NHF bailiffs.

Day Tickets
Available for this water

Open all year

Night Fishing
Night Fishing allowed

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Please email nkw@go-fish.co.uk if you notice any mistakes. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information, but cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.