
Wingate Willows Pond

Wingate, Durham. TS28 5BA

Fairly large water, couple of island and lily’s, the lake looks amazing and is clean, also a well looked after car park, 28pegs & gate with code.

Fish Details
Roach, Ide, Tench, German Grass Carp , Mirror Carp, Common, Perch, Bream, Rudd, Skimmer Bream, Gudgeon, Crucian Carp.

Red maggot & lift method to catch Tench around the back - inline maggot feeder for big Tench - lob worm on cage feeder out to main island, Crucian, Tench & Carp on pole with soft hooker pellet - you can catch everything on the pole but stay near the features - Ide, Roach & Perch on the waggler.

Ticket can be purchased at Wingate Post Office, £10 for all year

Wingate Post Office.

Keepnets allowed, no fires, no littering, night sessions allowed, no barbed hooks, no killing of the wildlife, must have EA licence if over 12 years, must have a pond licence, no poaching.

Open all year

Night Fishing
Night Fishing allowed

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Please email nkw@go-fish.co.uk if you notice any mistakes. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information, but cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.